Happy Eating
Make your eating work for you:
Chinese medicine based nutrition consultation
Duration: 130min (2Hr & 10min)
Not sure how to organize your food along your day?
Have troubles balancing your diet?
Looking for ways to make your eating better work
for your body and energy?
The way you manage your eating and food, regardless of what you exactly eat, has a huge effect on your:
Physical, mental and emotional state
Energy levels during the day
Body's ability to process and use what you offer it, and
Your general well being and health
make your eating work for your body, mind and general wellness
with the Happy Eating session
The foundations for an eating that fits your needs, goals and lifestyle
Practical ways to better manage and enjoy your food and eating
Individualized food and diet Chinese medicine recommendations
Discover the imbalance
A Chinese medicine assessment of your current imbalances, and how to balance them with foods and eating
Explore new ways to rebalance
Adjust your eating to meet your different energy level needs in different parts of the day
Incorporate healthier diet and eating into your current lifestyle
Eat what you love, love what you eat
Transform emotional eating
Boost up with the special free guide
"The 12 Golden Rules for a Triumphant Eating"
How does the session work?
To best use our time, you will be asked to fill out a detailed nutrition questionnaire prior to our visit.
If this is your first session with me, filling out a general intake form and signing consents will be requested as well.
Coming in, we will discuss the information you provided, identify your needs and goals and explore possibilities and options.
The assessment will be completed using a few simple Chinese medicine diagnostic methods.
We will conclude the session with practical individualized recommendations and guidelines you can start following right away.
Is this session suitable for everyone?
The session is tailored for your specific needs and wishes, so that everyone can benefit from it.
To make sure we meet your unique requirements, you will be invited to mention health issues, restrictions, allergies and personal preferences on the intake forms, and provide more details at the session.
How do I know if Chinese medicine nutrition can address my specific needs?
Nutrition is an inherent part of Chinese medicine, which deals with the most profound causes of imbalance. Its philosophy and treatment go to the roots of the superficial expressions - which are diseases, illnesses and any other physical, emotional, mental and energetic issues.
Chinese medicine principals and practices offer a deep rebalance, to promote wellness and health in the broadest way.
Feel you could use much more?
The full Love, Peace and Food Program is coming soon - stay tuned!
Price: $400
Monthly plan is an option